TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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Study Abroad in South Africa – Low cost, and FUNDING AVAILABLE
Travel to beautiful and dynamic South Africa for this one month study abroad class in Summer I, 2023. This unique six credit hour course combines Geology with Science and Environmental Journalism as we explore the South African countryside through the lens of its geology, and make video documentaries about what we discover.
This class is open to any student at TTU, regardless of major. The only prerequisite for the course is the General Science with a lab core curriculum requirement that every student at TTU must take, and you likely have already taken that.

The participant costs for the program will be  approximately $2,800 plus round-trip airfare from the United States to South Africa of roughly $1500. Students must also have a passport ($160), student insurance ($60), and pay the Education Abroad fee ($200). The cost of living in South Africa is low with the cost of basic groceries and eating out approximately 30% less than it is in the U.S.

BUT… there is funding available to help students significantly reduce their costs through our NSF-IRES (National Science Foundation International Research Experience for Students) program funding. Our NSF-IRES research program runs concurrently with this Study Abroad program. Students will contribute to ongoing research activities within the program’s research agenda. With this NSF funding, students who are admitted to this Study Abroad program can have the majority of the program costs mentioned above paid for!

For more information on important dates, scholarship opportunities and to make an application for financial support from our pool of National Science Foundation funding, please visit this site:
Some frequently asked questions about the program are here:
And, to submit an application please click on this link AND READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE PROCEEDING:

Tj Martinez


CoMC Dept of JCMI
