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Collaborative projects in Arid Lands research.
Arid and semiarid lands cover more than 47% of all terrestrial land and are home to over 2 billion people. With far-reaching environmental, social, and economic consequences, climate change, land degradation and increased desertification present unparalleled threats to all earth’s ecosystems. Drylands, however, are more vulnerable to natural and human destruction due to the small water contained in their soils.

Despite their importance, current knowledge and research efforts aimed at understanding the effects of natural and anthropogenic-driven changes in drylands are still limited in scope and scale.   If you are interested in conducting research aimed at closing this knowledge gap and in so doing promote dryland biodiversity conservation, reduce poverty, reduce food and water insecurity, prepare for climate-driven migration and violence, improve the sustainable use of arid lands and all education aspects associated with these topics, please consider joining the conversation.

ICASALS, the international Center for Arid and Semiarid Lands Studies is preparing a meeting of interested faculty and international partners to support the development of research proposals to address these and other topics.

The meeting will be held on Wednesday March 29th at the International Cultural Center room 103, at 2:00pm.   Interested but need more information? Please contact Jorge Salazar-Bravo ( or 806.834.3718.

Jorge Salazar-Bravo


Biological Sciences

Event Information
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:20 PM
Event Date: 3/29/2023

Intenational Cultural Center room 103
