TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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OR&I Faculty Travel Grant (Summer 2023 Travel)
The purpose of the Faculty Travel Grants from the Office of Research & Innovation is to assist with costs associated with travel for faculty to conduct research or to present their research and scholarship at major prestigious conferences in their field of study. Each grant is competitive and is meant to assist faculty who do not have departmental, college, or start-up funding available for these purposes. These grants are intended to help faculty increase research productivity, publications, and where appropriate, grant proposal submissions.

For Summer 2023, travel awards of up to $1,000 will be available for both domestic and international travel. These funds can be used to cover accommodation costs, transportation costs, and incidentals according to the rules established by Texas Tech's Office of Travel Services and the applicant's college and department. For Summer 2023, these funds can be used to cover registration fees for online/virtual conferences where the faculty member will be presenting work. Funding can also be used to support graduate student or post-doc registration fees for in-person or virtual conferences, so long as the applicant/faculty member is presenting at the conference. All arrangements, reimbursements, or other travel related activities should be managed by the business manager in the applicant's department or unit.

Deadlines and Travel Dates:
Requests for Summer 2023 travel (May 1 through August 31, 2023) will be accepted via InfoReady until 11:59 PM on April 3rd, 2023. **Please note funds must be expended by August 31st, 2023 (within FY23) for this award. Expenditures can not be processed on September 1st, 2023 due to beginning a new fiscal year.**

Leeann Slaughter


Research Development
