TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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3D Scanning Body Composition Study!

Researchers in the Department of Kinesiology and Sport Management are conducting a study to evaluate the accuracy of 3D scanning for measuring the body and estimating body composition. If you are over the age of 18, you may be eligible to participate. Everyone who participates in this study will complete one testing session after an overnight fast. At this session, you will have your body composition assessed in our laboratory using 3D scanning and several other noninvasive methods. You will also complete a few questionnaires. The visit should last about one hour. If you participate, you will be eligible to receive $20 and the results of your body composition testing from one of our most accurate methods. If you would like more information or think you may be interested in participating, please contact us at

This study has been approved by the Human Research Protection Program at Texas Tech University.


Christian Rodriguez


Kinesiology and Sport Management
