TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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NEW CLASS: "Theatrical Adaptations of Biblical Literature" for Fall '23

Please consider registering for THA 4000- [Theatrical Adaptations of Biblical Literature] taught by third year MFA Performance & Pedagogy candidate JD Myers.


In Theatrical Adaptations of Biblical Literature, students will investigate why theatre and performance artists throughout history have been uniquely inspired to create dramatic adaptations of the Bible.


This course is 50% seminar & 50% creative lab. In the first half of the semester, we’ll analyze the performative elements of the Bible’s diverse array of literary genres and take a detailed look at some of the historical adaptations from around the globe. Then, the latter half of the term is dedicated to creating your own scripted and non-scripted performances that present, challenge, or investigate the Bible’s narrative and thematic core.


Additionally, throughout the semester, students will select popular contemporary theatrical adaptations of the Bible to watch, read, or experience and then discuss with the class. Some examples might include the hit Broadway musicals Jesus Christ Superstar and Godspell, regional American productions like the Texas Amphitheatre’s The Promise or Sight & Sound Theatre’s Queen Esther, or globally successful creations like Yiimimangaliso, the South African Version of Biblical Mystery Plays.


If you’re looking for a fun creative challenge or a fresh look at the Bible, I hope you’ll consider joining us!






JD Myers


Department of Theatre and Dance
