TTU HomeTechAnnounce


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IT Alert: Beware of “Pandemic Grant” Phishing Messages
Some TTU faculty, staff, and students have received unsolicited emails with subjects such as “Pandemic Grant,” “Pandemic Grant for students,” or “Covid-19 funds for students.” These messages ask the recipient to send them an email containing their contact information in order to accept grant or relief money. Unlike similar scams sent in the past, these messages may ask you to respond with your personal email address or other contact information, rather than your TTU information.

If the recipient responds to these messages, the scammer will typically contact them and ask for confidential information such as date of birth or Social Security number, which they may use to steal the person’s identity. This is the most common scenario, but other scam emails with similar pretenses and methods have been reported as well.

Specific Recommendations:
  • If you receive one of these messages, delete it and do not respond to it
  • If you do respond—either by replying, clicking on a link, or visiting the website—your eRaider account may be disabled to protect the TTU community and institutional accounts and data.
  • If you are uncertain of a message’s legitimacy, please contact IT Help Central for further assistance.
We encourage you to be vigilant in practicing cybersecurity. You can find additional tips online at For more information or questions, please contact IT Help Central at You may also reach us by phone at (806) 742-4357 (HELP) or via email at

IT Help Central


