On September 12th, 2024, The Tech Secular Student Alliance (Tech SSA) is hosting Dr. Darrel Ray as a guest speaker at its opening meeting for the fall 2023 semester. Students will be encouraged to join the Tech SSA community and attend future volunteer/service events and social events.
Dr. Darrel Ray is a Psychology Researcher, founder of Recovering from Religion, and the author of Sex & God: How Religion Distorts Sexuality, and The God Virus. He currently leads the Secular Therapy Project and is the host of the Secular Sexuality podcast.
Dr. Ray is expected to speak on the psychology surrounding religious belief and the impact it has on relationships and sexuality. He is also expected to advertise his books The God Virus and Sex & God: How Religion Distorts Sexuality, as well as sign copies after the event.
Event Location is TBD. Future announcements will contain event location.
This announcement is represented by a registered student organization.