Validated through Invisibility: A Narrative of Validating Experiences of First-Generation Women with a Chronic Illness Following Academic Probation
Dissertation Research
Department of Educational Psychology, Leadership, & Counseling | College of Education
I am looking for women, first-generation, non-transfer, undergraduate students diagnosed with a chronic illness (not initially mental health related) with previous placement and recovery from academic probation to participate in a research study.
Participants will complete the 5-minute survey linked below for eligibility in the research. The research study will consist of a 60-minute virtual audio and video recorded Microsoft Teams interview.
To compensate for time provided, participants will receive a $25 digital Amazon gift card to the email address provided through the survey.
To participate, follow the link to take you to the survey.
Questions about this research study? – Doctoral Student Researcher
or – Faculty Dissertation Chair
This study has been approved by the Texas Tech University Institutional Review Board: IRB2023-470