Hello, I am Dr. Changwon Son, an Assistant Professor at Texas Tech University in the Department of Industrial, Manufacturing, & Systems Engineering (IMSE). With my students, I am conducting a study on effects of VR experience on human memory and emotion.
I need your participation in my research. Please respond to the form below if you want to help us with this study.
You will be asked to watch a short video of a house fire and then possibly watch a VR content that is very different from the fire. This will only take approximately 30 minutes. We will provide $15 for each participant.
For any questions, please contact me at changwon.son@ttu.edu or by calling 806-834-5508. You may also contact the Human Research Protection Program at Texas Tech University for any questions regarding the rights of participants. Their phone number is (806)-742-2064, and their email is hrpp@ttu.edu.
I am truly grateful for your time and consideration in helping me conduct this research. I look forward to your participation.
Thank you,
Dr. Changwon Son
Assistant Professor
Department of Industrial, Manufacturing, & Systems Engineering
Texas Tech University