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Want to take social action and affect policy change? Check out FCSE 4325!

US Family Issues & Social Action is designed to help students critically examine private and public family and related community issues and appropriate social action in a democratic culture. 


Citizens who effectively take social action for the well-being of their families and communities have the empowering knowledge, skills, and beliefs to take appropriate action. Such knowledge, skills, and beliefs include: 

1) knowledge of the public policy development process; 

2) the critical thinking skills to evaluate what they hear, read, and observe; 

3) the research skills for locating background and other relevant and reliable information; 

4) the writing and oral presentation skills to clearly communicate their concerns, credibly explain and support their positions, and propose feasible solutions for family and related community issues; and 

5) the belief that they can make a difference. 


Register for FCSE 4325-001 (30947) this Fall to gain these skills! For more information contact Dr. Cindy Miller at 


Ashlee Murden


FCSE Family and Consumer Sciences
