ENGL 3351: 013 Creative Writing: Nonfiction. MW 1-2:20
CRN 38656
Lucy Schiller
One nonfiction writer said that "when you're writing, you're trying to find out something which you don't know." And it's true: an energetic curiosity fuels the nonfiction writer more than a simple baseline of knowledge. Through surprising readings and unusual writing exercises, this class will ask you to be (and stay!) curious as we navigate the wide, wild genre of creative nonfiction. A nonfiction writer myself, I will encourage your explorations of form and content, and always ask you to consider where you might go next. You will experiment with telling true stories—your own and others'—in new ways, and you will produce several short essays, as well as one longer essay, over the course of the semester. In the meantime, you'll find necessary support and feedback from the community of writers in our room working alongside you.
ENGL 3351: 012 Creative Writing: Poetry. MW 1-2:20
CRN 13647
William Wenthe
You don't have to have experience writing poetry in order to take this class; what's required is that you want to explore reading and writing poetry. This class teaches both: for by learning how to carefully read contemporary poems—learning what to look for, what to listen for—you learn to craft your own poems. Though focused on poetry, the skills you learn in this class will help your growth as a thinker and writer as a whole. As with all ENGL 3351 courses, this class is taught by an experienced, well-published writer and teacher. Or as a student from last spring says: "The class was a fantastic learning experience, Dr. Wenthe is a great instructor and is very thorough with class material." The class proceeds by way of reading published poems, exercises in technique, discussions of our own poems, culminating in a final portfolio of 7 poems and a 4-5 page prose statement about your writing process.