Participants are expected to bring their own laptop so they can actively participate in exercises during the workshop. Software installation may be required prior to attending the workshop.
Analysis and visualization of quantitative data are essential skills for researchers in many disciplines. These skills enable researchers to effectively communicate key research results and share ideas with their respective communities. There are many tools for analyzing and visualizing data, one of which is the Python programming language. Python is accessible, excels in data analysis and visualization, and has a healthy ecosystem of open-source scientific libraries for completing these tasks.
This workshop will introduce participants to the Python programming language and provide hands-on exercises for data analysis and visualization. Participants can expect to learn how to load, plot, summarize, and transform their data to aid in exploration, discovery, and visualization of research results. Open-source scientific Python libraries such as NumPy, Matplotlib, and pandas will be used to achieve these goals. This workshop will be most valuable to participants who want to begin learning Python and who wish to use Python for scientific data analysis and visualization.