
Join the TTU System Health Policy and Public Health Think Tank!
The TTU System Health Policy and Public Health Think Tank is the first-ever system-wide think tank that has student and faculty representatives from each of the 5 institutions. We strive to develop, promote and implement best practices in health equity and access to care through fostering collaborative research and volunteerism, engagement with communities to develop policy recommendations, and assistance with the implementation of best practices. 

Initially, the Think Tank started through the West Texas 3D COVID-19 Relief Consortium, where the Texas Tech’s Honors College, College of Engineering and the Health Sciences Center collaborated to create 3D printed personal protection equipment (PPE) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through this, the benefit of collaboration across disciplines and across the region was observed.

Currently, the Think Tank consists of a Faculty and Student Board that have representation from all institutions. The most prominent goal of this Think Tank is to bring together faculty and students from across the system—who are experts in health policy or interested in different facets of public health, healthcare, and health policy—to work on approaching health disparity issues from a policy, service and research standpoint.

If you are interested in joining the think tank, we are looking for students interested in public health, health policy, research, media and public relations, and more!

Contact Junia Lee at for more information. 

Junia Lee


