You may be eligible to participate in the project if:
· You are a parent of a child (8 to 12 years)
· You and your child are English speaking
· Your child does not have severe emotional or cognitive disabilities
You and your child will be asked to visit our lab (Human Sciences building #501) two times.
· Session 1 (30 minutes): We will do a pretend health check and a board game with your child.
· Session 2 (2 hours): About a week later, your child will be interviewed about life experiences, take developmental tests, and complete questionnaires. You will be asked to complete questionnaires too.
You will receive $50 for your time and your child will receive small trinkets.
For more information, please contact Yoojin Chae at You may also call (806) 834-3024.
This study has been approved by the Human Research Protection Program at Texas Tech University.