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Call for Participation: Library Spaces Study
We’re asking students how they study in the library. Give us your feedback about library spaces and furniture.

Originator: Sarah DeVille            Posted On :   1/27/2023

Vascular Health and Muscle Function Study
Men and women over 50 years old needed for research study evaluating blood vessel function, muscular strength and physical performance.

Originator: Katharine Dillon            Posted On :   1/27/2023

Seeking people who use e-scooters in daily transportation for research!
Sustainability of E-scooters Study is seeking micro-mobility vehicle users to take part in a study examining the e-scooter sustainability perception of users. Please share this with your friends, especially if they use e-scooter in their daily life.

Originator: Eray Aktepe            Posted On :   1/27/2023