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Positive Youth Development Study: Participants needed!
We are a team of researchers interested in the development of young people. We would like to invite you to participate in a study that examines how youth strengths and resources in their context are related to different indicators of well-being.

Originator: Rula Zaru            Posted On :   3/29/2022

Subjects Wanted for Sleep & Exercise Study
Women and men are wanted to participate in research that will study the influence of sleep variability on vascular function during exercise.

Originator: Joaquin Gonzales            Posted On :   3/29/2022

Patterns of Attention in Infants: Examining Motherese and Robotese
Infants and toddlers between the ages of 16-18 months are needed to participate in a research study about attention preference! All participants receive a $25 Target gift card and Research in Early Development (RED) Lab child t-shirt!

Originator: Miranda Cox            Posted On :   3/29/2022

Expose Food Insecurity & Inform Future Nutrition Interventions at TTU!
Attention TTU Raiders! We need current undergraduate and graduate students to complete the TTU Food Insecurity Survey. There will be a drawing opportunity for 20 people to each receive a $20 Amazon gift card for completing the survey!

Originator: Joy Driver            Posted On :   3/29/2022

FINAL Participants Needed for Interdisciplinary Art Project!
Seeking volunteers to participate in the FINAL week of data collection for Stress Flesh!

Originator: Josh Brown            Posted On :   3/29/2022

Earn $200 - Looking for people with high blood pressure
We are looking for people with high blood pressure ages 18-65 yrs, to participate in a 6-week research study to see the effect of potatoes on blood pressure using specific cooking methods while following the DASH diet for 6 weeks with our guidance.

Originator: Jamie Roe            Posted On :   3/28/2022

Paid Research Participants Needed for fMRI Study
The Selective Attention & Perception Lab in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Texas Tech University seeks participants for an in-person study on how people attend to visual stimuli and make perceptual judgments.

Originator: Shinyoung Jung            Posted On :   3/29/2022