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Child Activity Study
The ENERGY Lab is looking for youth 8-12 years old without a dog to participate in a research study about children’s physical activity. If you would like the opportunity to earn $40, please email OR call (806) 834-2239.

Originator: Gabriela Lelakowska            Posted On :   3/4/2022

Recovery Capital
The CARR Brown Bag Series is back this Spring! Register now and join us in conversation about issues and directions in the field of addiction and recovery. This is FREE AND OPEN FOR ALL, and happens every Monday 11:30 am-12:30 pm (HS220/Zoom).

Originator: Dmitra Kentera            Posted On :   3/4/2022
Research * Lectures & Seminars * Academic 

$20 Amazon drawing for your mentorship opinions
If you have had a mentor while attending Texas Tech we want to hear from you. Share your perceptions of how mentorship has helped you with progress towards your degree. $20 Amazon gift card drawing!

Originator: Aubrey McKenzie Jones            Posted On :   3/3/2022