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Free online parent coaching program, all materials provided!
Learn how to improve your child's social and communication skills through play in this 16-week online parent coaching program. This program is for parents of 12-48 month old children with social difficulty, speech delays, autism risk, or autism.

Originator: Jessica Blume            Posted On :   2/18/2022

Join Us! The Artfull Brain: Research Workshop & Lecture Series
The Institute for Studies in Pragmaticism Presents: The Artfull Brain- This research conference targets major fields of brain study from the interdisciplinary perspective of Semeiotic.

Originator: Brianna Sanchez            Posted On :   2/18/2022
Research * Lectures & Seminars * Academic 

International students at TTU needed for healthcare-related study
International students are needed to participate in a research study about healthcare communication issues of international students in the US. You will be asked to participate virtually via Zoom and you will receive a gift card for participation.

Originator: Akshata Balghare            Posted On :   2/18/2022