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Join Us! The Artfull Brain: Research Workshop & Lecture Series
The Institute for Studies in Pragmaticism Presents: The Artfull Brain- This research conference targets major fields of brain study from the interdisciplinary perspective of Semeiotic.

Originator: Brianna Sanchez            Posted On :   2/11/2022
Research * Lectures & Seminars * Academic 

International students at TTU needed for healthcare-related study
International students are needed to participate in a research study about healthcare communication issues of international students in the US. You will be asked to participate virtually via Zoom and you will receive a gift card for participation.

Originator: Akshata Balghare            Posted On :   2/11/2022

Conducting Human Subject Research and needing help with IRB Process?
The Office of Human Research Protection Program is here to help! Our office will be offering informational training sessions that will be split up in a span of 5 weeks for the spring semester. Sign up today!

Originator: April Ortegon            Posted On :   2/11/2022

Vascular Health and Muscle Function Study
Men and women over 50 years old needed for research study evaluating blood vessel function, muscular strength and physical performance.

Originator: Katharine Dillon            Posted On :   2/11/2022

Sensory Preferences and Stress Study
College students are invited to participate in an anonymous research study by completing a 5-10 minute survey about their sensory preferences. This study has been approved by TTU IRB. Click here to participate:

Originator: Malinda Colwell            Posted On :   2/11/2022

Nutritional Supplement Online Questionnaire
Would you be interested in completing a 5 minute questionnaire on nutritional supplements?

Originator: Carson Maher            Posted On :   2/11/2022

Women Needed for Story-Time Vlog Study
Women ages 18-29 wanted for online study about sexual assault and vlogs. Participants can enter into a drawing to win 1 $20 Amazon giftcard. Get started here:

Originator: Rachel Riggs            Posted On :   2/10/2022