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Want to learn more about laboratory safety??
World-renown biosafety and behavioral expert, Sean Kaufman, will conduct a 2.5 day workshop with lab simulations, classroom sessions and lunch and learn discussions. Save your seat today!

Originator: Heather Coats            Posted On :   9/21/2022
Lectures & Seminars * Academic * Departmental 

Ken Donohoo will present "Winter Storm Uri Update, and LPL: The Big Switch” at the upcoming Texas Tech School of Law Energy Law Lecture Series

Originator: Blake Groves            Posted On :   9/21/2022
Lectures & Seminars * Academic * Departmental 

TTU Faculty Outreach & Engaged Scholarship Faculty Mentoring Network Workshop!
Register Now to join us on Sept. 29th at the International Cultural Center! Lunch and Workshop

Originator: Lindsay Rigney            Posted On :   9/21/2022
Lectures & Seminars 

Monthly Global Health Lecture Series
October topic - Careers in Global Health: A Panel Discussion

Originator: Jessica Blume            Posted On :   9/21/2022
Lectures & Seminars 

Free Chinese Tutoring and Free Chinese Language Class!
TTU Chinese Language and Culture Association is offering free Chinese language tutor at 6 pm in CMLL 113 this Thursday (9/22)!

Originator: Yanlin Wang            Posted On :   9/20/2022
Lectures & Seminars * Academic * Student Organization