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University Singers recruiting singers for Fall2022
The TTU University Singers (MUEN 3101-202) recruiting for Fall 2022!
University Singers is an un-auditioned treble choir open to singers from all majors throughout Texas Tech. All soprano and alto singers are welcome to sing with us!

Originator: Hwanwook Lee            Posted On :   8/19/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Lectures & Seminars 

Is your student organization frozen or inactive? Attend our Reinstatement Training to become an active student organization for the 2022-2023 school year!

Originator: Ashlee Faires            Posted On :   8/18/2022
Lectures & Seminars * Student Organization 

University Singers recruiting singers for Fall2022
The TTU University Singers (MUEN 3101-202) recruiting for Fall 2022!
University Singers is an un-auditioned treble choir open to singers from all majors throughout Texas Tech. All soprano and alto singers are welcome to sing with us!

Originator: Hwanwook Lee            Posted On :   8/17/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Lectures & Seminars