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FMI Public Speaker Series: The Rise of Political Capitalism — March 3
The Free Market Institute will host Randall Holcombe of Florida State University to deliver a public lecture at Texas Tech University in the Rawls College of Business on Thursday, March 3. The event is free and open to TTU and the general public.

Originator: Amanda Smith            Posted On :   3/1/2022
Lectures & Seminars 

Present at the First-Gen Student Summit 2022
The First-Gen Student Summit brings high school, undergraduate and graduate students together to celebrate the first-generation identity and empower participants through shared learning, community building and networking.

Originator: Jonathan Crider            Posted On :   3/1/2022
Lectures & Seminars * Academic 

Monthly Global Health Lecture Series - March
March topic: From Bosnia, to Baghdad, Washington, and Austin: A Look at a Career in Foreign Affairs

Originator: Michelle Ensminger            Posted On :   3/1/2022
Lectures & Seminars