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Need help with PSY 2400? Come to SI Sessions!
Receive guaranteed study material in the form of a packet with useful learning tips and practice problems!

Originator: Erika Soto            Posted On :   4/21/2023

Learn the latest techniques for analyzing data as it pertains to marketing research. Summer 2023 deadline is May 1st.

Originator: Rebeka Benoy            Posted On :   4/21/2023

Need time to work on final writing projects?
The Writing Centers are hosting a write-in where students, faculty, and staff can write alongside fellow Red Raiders and make progress on their projects. We will have food and door prizes. Can’t meet in person? Join our online session.

Originator: Dustin Florence            Posted On :   4/21/2023

SPANISH 1508/2303/2304/3315
Did you grow up in a Spanish-speaking household? If you are looking to reconnect with your culture and language, join our program!

Originator: Sylvia Flores            Posted On :   4/21/2023

Looking to Tutor? - Apply with the TECHniques Center!
The TECHniques Center is a unique, one on one tutoring program on campus. We're currently looking for tutors for the Fall 2023 semester, so apply today!

Originator: Christian Enevoldsen            Posted On :   4/21/2023
Academic * Student Employment/Career Opportunities 

Interested in Communication in the Arts? Take VPA 1302-Summer I for core credit!
Expand your understanding of communication in the arts while fulfilling the Oral Communication Core requirement! Available in Summer I 2023.

Originator: David Sears            Posted On :   4/21/2023

Satisfy TWO CORE REQUIREMENTS with VPA 2301 in Summer I!
Expand your understanding of the role of the arts in society by taking VPA 2301 while fulfilling both the Language/Philosophy/Culture Core and the Multicultural graduation requirements! Available online in Summer I.

Originator: David Sears            Posted On :   4/21/2023

Deadline Extended for President's Excellence in Diversity & Equity Awards
The deadline for nominations of students, staff, and faculty for the President's Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion awards has been extended to 5 p.m. Monday, May 1, 2023.

Originator: Paul Ruiz            Posted On :   4/21/2023

Summer Course: College Teaching (EDHE 5342, Summer II)
Open to master’s and doctoral students interested in learning more about college teaching, preparing to teach, and related topics. Students will also create a Teaching Philosophy Statement they can use in future teaching-related job applications.

Originator: Grant Jackson            Posted On :   4/20/2023

ANTH 2306: Anthropology at the Movies, sections D03 & D04 (Summer 1, 2023)
Enjoy watching iconic American and foreign films, and learn about anthropological concepts!

FULFILLS the Language, Philosophy, and Culture CORE CURRICULUM REQUIREMENT.

Originator: Lap Siu            Posted On :   4/21/2023