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Academic departments – reserve your table for the 2022 Majors & Minors Fair!
Over 1000 students attend the Majors & Minors Fair every year! Let them know about all the opportunities available in your department at the 2022 Majors & Minors Fair! Table reservations are due Oct 7!

Originator: Megan Ohlmann            Posted On :   9/28/2022
Academic * Departmental 

TOMORROW: Faculty and Staff, Do you need an updated headshot?
Do you need a professional studio portrait for your website, LinkedIn profile or for an upcoming conference? The Office of Communications & Marketing can help!

Originator: Allison Hirth            Posted On :   9/28/2022
Academic * Departmental 

Study Sociology/Criminology abroad in Spain during Summer I, 2023!!!
SUMMER I, 2022! Study Cross-national Crime and Global Terrorism. OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS: DESIGNED FOR ALL CLASSIFICATIONS, including graduate students. Live in Spain for 4.5 weeks & earn 6 hours of Criminology/Sociology credit

Originator: Ori Swed            Posted On :   9/28/2022

Need help with BIOL 1403, BIOL 3416, or ZOOL 2403? Come to SI Sessions!
Supplemental Instruction offers study material in the form of a packet with useful learning tips and practice problems!

Originator: Erika Soto            Posted On :   9/28/2022

Study Sociology/Criminology abroad in Spain during Summer I, 2023!!!
SUMMER I, 2023! Study Cross-national Crime and Global Terrorism. OPEN TO ALL STUDENTS: DESIGNED FOR ALL CLASSIFICATIONS, including graduate students. Live in Spain for 4.5 weeks & earn 6 hours of Criminology/Sociology credit

Originator: Ori Swed            Posted On :   9/28/2022

Learn the latest techniques for analyzing data as it pertains to marketing research. Spring 2023 application deadline: November 1st.

Originator: Valentina Florez Bulla            Posted On :   9/28/2022

Texas Tech Law Open House
Hello, Future Lawyers! Join us at Texas Tech Law for a mock law class, a law student panel, and law school tours. Come for the snacks; stay for the info about becoming a lawyer.

Originator: Shawn Adams            Posted On :   9/28/2022
Academic * Departmental 

Power up your studies! Campus IT, Library offer laptop checkout
Back by popular demand, PC laptops can be checked out at the Library’s East Service Desk.

Originator: Julie Barnett            Posted On :   9/28/2022
Academic * Departmental