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SAVE THE DATE for the Majors & Minors Fair on October 20!
Want to get a jumpstart on next semester’s registration? Come to the Majors & Minors Fair to talk to advisors and start planning your future!

Originator: Megan Ohlmann            Posted On :   9/27/2022
Academic * Departmental 

McNair Explorers Program - Undergraduate Research Opportunity
A preparatory program for First Year and Sophomore First Generation College students to prepare them for the McNair Scholars Program, which prepares undergraduate students for doctoral studies through involvement in research.

Originator: Jonathan Crider            Posted On :   9/27/2022
Research * Academic * Departmental 

FREE Tutoring is available for FALL 2022!
The Learning Center offers FREE TUTORING for many undergraduate courses during the Fall 2022 semester.

Originator: Pat Bohn            Posted On :   9/27/2022

Need help with ACCT 2300, ECO 2305, or FIN 3320? Come to SI Sessions!
Receive guaranteed study material in the form of a packet with useful learning tips and practice problems!

Originator: Erika Soto            Posted On :   9/27/2022

Get the business skills you need to get the job you want from the #26 MBA program in the U.S. Deadline Spring 2023: November 1st

Originator: Valentina Florez Bulla            Posted On :   9/27/2022

Virtual book read "Frida Kahlo: An Illustrated Life" by Maria Hesse
Join this engaging event with opening keynote Oct. 3.

Originator: Julie Barnett            Posted On :   9/27/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Academic * Departmental 

Marc Balet: A conversation about life in art, fashion, and cinema
Marc Balet: A conversation about life in art, fashion, and cinema

Originator: VICTORIA Surliuga            Posted On :   9/27/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Academic * Departmental 

EDI Initiative Speaker Dr. Damion Waymer
Dr. Damion Waymer, Senior Associate Dean of the College of Communication & Information Sciences at The University of Alabama, USA will be giving a zoom lecture titled Public Relations and Public Memory

Originator: Narissra Carter            Posted On :   9/27/2022
Research * Lectures & Seminars * Academic 

Virtual Open House for Addiction & Recovery PhD Program
We are hosting a virtual open house for prospective students interested in earning a doctoral degree in Addiction & Recovery Studies.

Originator: Heather Austin Robillard            Posted On :   9/26/2022

Lowered Flag at Memorial Circle
The Texas Tech flag at Memorial Circle is lowered on September 26, 2022 in memory of Robert Bewick. He was a Senior Landscape Architecture student. Robert passed away on September 7, 2022.

Originator: Stephanie Legako            Posted On :   9/26/2022