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MS in Biotechnology: 1- and 2-Year Programs!
Earn a One- or Two-Year Master of Science in Biotechnology!

Originator: Shannon Sears            Posted On :   5/25/2022

CROSS-CULTURAL STUDIES PROGRAM-Graduate Minor & Graduate Certificate
The CCS program is supported by a multidisciplinary curriculum geared toward enhancing cross-cultural knowledge, skills, leadership, and lifetime professional success in a broad variety of traditional and non-traditional career paths.

Originator: Elizabeth Trejos-Castillo            Posted On :   5/26/2022
Academic * Departmental 

Planning to submit a Fulbright Scholar application? We are here to help you!
TTU-Fulbright Liaisons are available to provide faculty and staff/admin with detailed information about the different Fulbright programs, application process and guidelines.

Originator: Elizabeth Trejos-Castillo            Posted On :   5/26/2022
Research * Academic * Departmental 

Environmental Problems Summer II Online Core Science BIOL 1113 and BIOL 1305
Fulfill part of your core science requirement this summer online, with an online version of BIOL 1305 - D01 Ecology and Environmental Problems and BIOL 1113 - D31 Environmental Problems Lab

Originator: Deborah Carr            Posted On :   5/26/2022

Stacks construction project underway in Library
Fifth floor of the stacks will be unavailable while the space is remodeled. Stay tuned – new and improved study space is on the way!

Originator: Julie Barnett            Posted On :   5/26/2022
Academic * Departmental 

A Beginning Course in Chinese language CHIN1501: Fall 2022
Do you know learning Chinese language will improve your job prospects in the government and many businesses?

Originator: Yanlin Wang            Posted On :   5/25/2022

Master of Science in Marketing Research and Analytics
Learn the latest techniques for analyzing data as it pertains to marketing research.

Originator: Narsis Sailale            Posted On :   5/25/2022

New: Add a Business Minor to your Master's Program
Rawls now offers a Business Minor for TTU graduate students pursuing a Master's degree.

Originator: Narsis Sailale            Posted On :   5/26/2022

E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate –100% Online Program
The E-Learning and Online Teaching Graduate Certificate program prepares you to become a skilled educator to develop online courses and facilitate effective online learning.

Originator: Fethi Inan            Posted On :   5/25/2022

Scholarship Reading Program for Undergraduates — Fall 2022 Deadline Extended
Apply for an invitation to participate in a one semester, non-credit, weekly reading program for undergraduate students from any field of study. Those who successfully complete the program receive $1000 scholarship! Application deadline is June 15.

Originator: Amanda Smith            Posted On :   5/26/2022

Need a Multicultural and Social & Behavioral Sciences Requirement?
ONLINE Summer 2, 2022 Course - Introduction to World Cultures and Ethnology (ANTH 2302-D01)

FULFILLS: Multicultural Competency and Social and Behavioral Sciences requirements.

Originator: Lap Siu            Posted On :   5/26/2022

ANTH 2306 **section D05**: Anthropology at the Movies course (Summer 1, 2022)
Enjoy watching iconic American and foreign films, and learn about anthropological concepts!

FULFILLS the Language, Philosophy, and Culture CORE CURRICULUM REQUIREMENT.

Originator: Lap Siu            Posted On :   5/26/2022

Need to get your SBS and Multicultural requirements done this summer?
Enroll in ANTH 2302 during summer I with Dr. Williams and fulfill TWO of your core requirements in 4 weeks time!

Originator: Jeff Williams            Posted On :   5/24/2022