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Leadership 2.0 Training for Managers/Supervisors
Most employees feel they do not receive the proper feedback to grow, develop, or gain skills. Leaders want their teams to grow but cannot find the words. An ineffective team member lingers too long. Sound familiar? We can help.

Originator: Kailey Kilcrease            Posted On :   4/18/2022
Academic * Departmental 

Fall 2022 -- Enroll in MUTH 5325: Music Cognition
Expand your understanding of the sensory and cognitive principles underlying many of the world’s musical traditions with MUTH 5325: Music Cognition. Satisfies the foundational course requirement of the graduate certificate in Music Cognition.

Originator: David Sears            Posted On :   4/18/2022

FREE Tutoring is available for SPRING 2022!
The Learning Center offers FREE TUTORING for many undergraduate courses during the Spring semester.

Originator: Pat Bohn            Posted On :   4/18/2022

*****Attention ALL Students*****
The Studies in Personal Finance minor provides the basic knowledge needed to manage personal financial activities in day-to-day life. It is great preparation for any career!

Originator: Jennifer Wilson            Posted On :   4/18/2022

Faculty and Staff: Do you need an updated headshot?
Do you need a professional studio portrait for your website, LinkedIn profile or for an upcoming conference? The Office of Communications & Marketing can help!

Originator: Allison Hirth            Posted On :   4/18/2022
Academic * Departmental 

ENVD 5305 Design Thinking Seminar. 2022 Fall Semester. Wednesdays. 9AM-11:50AM
Design Thinking plays a role in making deliberate human-centered decisions. This course provides ways to integrate design thinking into students’ academic or professional practice.

Originator: Sharran Parkinson            Posted On :   4/18/2022

Do you know a junior high or high school student who loves art and wants to get the full college experience of what life is like being an art student at Texas Tech? Tell them about our PCIP program taking place this June!

Originator: Tricia Earl            Posted On :   4/18/2022
Academic * Departmental 

Intro to Language: A Fun and Easy Course to Fulfill SBS Core Requirement
Looking for a fun and easy course to fulfill Social and Behavioral Sciences Core requirement? If so, take ENGL 2370 "Introduction to Language" in Fall 2022!

Originator: Min-Joo Kim            Posted On :   4/18/2022

Graduate Students…concerned about money?
Tight budget? Student loans piling up? Wondering about employee benefits, buying a car, or a house? Thinking about investing for your future?

Originator: Cynthia Cantu            Posted On :   4/18/2022

Sowell Collection to Host Renowned Animal Advocate and Writer.
Lisa Couturier will read as part of the Sowell Virtual Reading Series on April 21 at 7 p.m.

Originator: Marcos Rubio            Posted On :   4/18/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Academic 

STEM MBA - $1,000 Guaranteed Scholarship
One time scholarship for summer intake. Have to apply by May 1st.

Originator: kamy Birk            Posted On :   4/18/2022

Need a Social/ Behavioral Science or Multicultural Requirement? Take SOC 1301!
Need a Social and Behavioral Science or Multicultural Requirement? Take SOC 1301 with Dr. Koch. He is a member of the Texas Tech University Teaching Academy and is a three-time winner of the Professing Excellence teaching award.

Originator: Allie Haney            Posted On :   4/18/2022

Social Entrepreneurship in Social Work (Summer II 2022)
This graduate-level course will examine social entrepreneurship, the change it brought about, and how development is viewed, conceived, and implemented. This course will be provided virtually (synchronous).

Originator: Seungjong Cho            Posted On :   4/16/2022

Build your corporate social media skills in PCOM 4301 this fall!
Work on a real project for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security this fall in this highly interactive project-driven course. This is an online, asynchronous course in the College of Media & Communication. Spots are limited!

Originator: Sarah Martin            Posted On :   4/18/2022

Critical Infrastructure Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and cyber-physical security.

Originator: Tracie McClaran            Posted On :   4/18/2022
Academic * Departmental 

Need a Language? Consider a Critical Language
The U.S. government has designated certain languages to be critical to our national security and prosperity. TTU offers Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian.

Originator: Erin Collopy            Posted On :   4/18/2022

Now is the Time to Study Russian!
There are many reasons to study Russian, especially now. Are you interested in working for the government? The military? A non-governmental agency (NGO)? Do you want to be more engaged globally? Do you want to enhance your resume?

Originator: Erin Collopy            Posted On :   4/18/2022

Take Compositional Semantics in Fall 2022
The English sentence “Every man loves a woman” is two-ways ambiguous but its passive counterpart “A woman is loved by every man” is not, and the question is why not. You can find the answer by taking Compositional Semantics (ENGL 5337) in Fall 2022.

Originator: Min-Joo Kim            Posted On :   4/18/2022

Asian Studies Scholarship
Asian Studies Program is happy to announce that application for the Asian Studies Scholarship ($1000 for each awardee) is now open to undergraduates at TTU.

Originator: Yuan Shu            Posted On :   4/17/2022