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New: Add a Business Minor to your Master’s Program!
Rawls now offers a Business Minor for TTU graduate students pursuing a Master’s degree.

Originator: kamy Birk            Posted On :   4/8/2022

Master of Science in Finance
Earn your Master of Science in Finance in just one year!

Originator: kamy Birk            Posted On :   4/8/2022

Do you want to become smart about your money while in college?
Introduction to Personal Finance can help you shop wisely for your 1st major purchase, like a car or home, by providing you with the tools needed to become a smart buyer and make wise financial decisions! Register for PFI 3301!

Originator: Jennifer Wilson            Posted On :   4/8/2022

OLLI Trivia Night!
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at TTU is hosting its 2nd OLLI Trivia Night, and invite everyone to join the fun! A catered dinner and drinks are included in the ticket price.

Originator: Tina Crowson            Posted On :   4/8/2022
Academic * Departmental * Faculty/Staff Organization 

Become a Global Guide for Fall 2022!
Are you interested in mentoring incoming international students as they adjust to life in the USA? Would you like to be part of a team and meet people from all over the world? Then apply today!

Originator: Kathleen Cade-Gerzon            Posted On :   4/8/2022

Risk Research
The CARR Brown Bag Series is back this Spring! Register now and join us in conversation about issues and directions in the field of addiction and recovery. This is FREE AND OPEN FOR ALL, and happens every Monday 11:30 am-12:30 pm (HS220/Zoom).

Originator: Dmitra Kentera            Posted On :   4/8/2022
Research * Lectures & Seminars * Academic 

Reminder: Proposal Assistance Program (Fall 2022) Internal Funding Opportunity
April 15th, 2022 Deadline Reminder for the Proposal Assistance Program (Fall 2022) offered by the Office of Research & Innovation to help faculty increase their competitiveness for external proposal submissions

Originator: Leeann Slaughter            Posted On :   4/8/2022
Research * Academic * Departmental