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Do you have a 2 ½ to 7-year-old child with challenging behaviors?
Do you worry about how to manage your child’s difficult behaviors? Parent Child Interaction Therapy might be right for you and your family! We currently offer FREE TELEHEALTH. Contact Jesseca Jackson; 806-576-4472;

Originator: Jessica Jackson            Posted On :   9/27/2022

SAVE THE DATE for the Majors & Minors Fair on October 20!
Want to get a jumpstart on next semester’s registration? Come to the Majors & Minors Fair to talk to advisors and start planning your future!

Originator: Megan Ohlmann            Posted On :   9/27/2022
Academic * Departmental 

VIRTUAL Fall Learning Series
Join us for our Fall Learning Series with topics on Mental Health, Mental Health First Aid, Adaptive Leadership from different experts across campus!

Originator: Kailey Kilcrease            Posted On :   9/27/2022
Departmental * Faculty/Staff Organization * Human Resources Training 

McNair Explorers Program - Undergraduate Research Opportunity
A preparatory program for First Year and Sophomore First Generation College students to prepare them for the McNair Scholars Program, which prepares undergraduate students for doctoral studies through involvement in research.

Originator: Jonathan Crider            Posted On :   9/27/2022
Research * Academic * Departmental 

Need a Ride Home for Thanksgiving?
Catch a bus home to Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, or El Paso

Originator: Christine Self            Posted On :   9/27/2022

Virtual book read "Frida Kahlo: An Illustrated Life" by Maria Hesse
Join this engaging event with opening keynote Oct. 3.

Originator: Julie Barnett            Posted On :   9/27/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Academic * Departmental 

Marc Balet: A conversation about life in art, fashion, and cinema
Marc Balet: A conversation about life in art, fashion, and cinema

Originator: VICTORIA Surliuga            Posted On :   9/27/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Academic * Departmental 

TOMORROW! Japanese-Korean Game Night!!
Japanese and Korean Language Programs are hosting Game Night on September 28th from 5-7pm at Urbanovsky Park Amphitheater. Come and play games and get free pizza!!

Originator: Reina Tanimoto            Posted On :   9/27/2022