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State-Mandated Basic Cybersecurity Training Due August 31, 2022
Annual cybersecurity training released through Cornerstone for all faculty and staff. Please complete by 08/31/22.

Originator: TTU Office of the CIO            Posted On :   8/29/2022
IT Announcements * Departmental 

Picnic with the President
All students are invited to the annual Picnic with the President at the SUB

Originator: Isabel Torres            Posted On :   8/29/2022

Win $2,000 for your idea through the 2022 Idea Competition!

Originator: Kat Dankesreiter            Posted On :   8/29/2022

Tell us how we are doing | Auxiliary Customer Experience Survey
Tell us how are doing, what we can do better, what we are doing great, and how we can expand on your Red Raider experience!

Originator: Alan Cushman            Posted On :   8/29/2022
Departmental * Student Organization 

House Bill 2504 and Faculty Success (Digital Measures) Assistance
September 2nd is the HB2504 deadline. Join this Open Door training for Faculty Success (the new name of Digital Measures). OPA staff will be in an open Zoom call to answer any questions you may have!

Originator: Kenneth Shatley            Posted On :   8/29/2022
Research * Departmental * Research