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1-Session Book Club on Bringing up the Boss: Practical Lessons for New Managers
You’ll learn what it means to manage yourself in this new role, and how to navigate the often awkward and sometimes challenging situations that arise in this new position.

Originator: Kailey Kilcrease            Posted On :   9/12/2022
Departmental * Faculty/Staff Organization * Human Resources Training 

Tell us how we are doing | Auxiliary Customer Experience Survey
Tell us how are doing, what we can do better, what we are doing great, and how we can expand on your Red Raider experience!

Originator: Alan Cushman            Posted On :   9/12/2022
Departmental * Faculty/Staff Organization * Student Organization 

TTU Outreach & Engaged Scholarship Faculty Mentoring Network Kick-Off Event!
Attention Faculty! Join us on September 15, 2022 at the Texas Tech Club for our Fall Kick-Off Event!

Originator: Lindsay Rigney            Posted On :   9/12/2022
Academic * Faculty/Staff Organization