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Staff Writing Group
The Texas Tech Staff Writing Group is an online space where we can come together for an hour of focused, distraction-free writing.

Originator: Kailey Kilcrease            Posted On :   4/19/2022
Faculty/Staff Organization * Human Resources Training 

OLLI Trivia Night!
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at TTU is hosting its 2nd OLLI Trivia Night, and invite everyone to join the fun! A catered dinner and drinks are included in the ticket price.

Originator: Tina Crowson            Posted On :   4/19/2022
Departmental * Faculty/Staff Organization 

Tech Advantage 2022 will take place on Wednesday, May 18th from 11.00 am to 1:30 p.m. in the TTU Student Union Ballroom.

Originator: Syeda Haq            Posted On :   4/19/2022
Faculty/Staff Organization