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Exhale Call for Art
RISE is sending out a call for original visual and performance art for the third annual Exhale exhibit for sexual assault survivors.

Originator: Presley Black            Posted On :   3/24/2023
Arts & Entertainment * Departmental * Student Organization 

STI/HPV Clinic
Join RISE and the City of Lubbock Health Department for this testing and vaccine clinic. STI and HPV tests will be available to students, and hepatitis B and shingles vaccines are offered for staff and faculty.

Originator: Presley Black            Posted On :   3/24/2023
Departmental * Student Organization 

Body Project
Join the CCRC, SCC, and RISE for the Body Project. The Body Project is a group-based event that helps people confront unrealistic appearance ideals and develop healthy body image and self-esteem.

Originator: Presley Black            Posted On :   3/24/2023
Lectures & Seminars * Departmental * Student Organization 

Eating Disorders Awareness Walk
Join the CCRC, SCC, RISE, UREC, and Fitwell for the Eating Disorders Awareness Walk. Please join us for a glow walk supporting Eating Disorder Recovery! We encourage participants to wear bright colors to represent your bright future!

Originator: Presley Black            Posted On :   3/24/2023
Athletics * Departmental * Student Organization 

Korean Club
Korean Club will start weekly events on April 4th, 4-6 pm! We will watch a movie at the first meeting. You can find the flyer on instagram account @ttukorea

Originator: Reina Tanimoto            Posted On :   3/24/2023
Student Organization 

Call for Volunteers!
Looking for volunteer hours? The Annual Discoveries to Impact Conference needs you!

Originator: Lindsay Rigney            Posted On :   3/24/2023
Lectures & Seminars * Student Organization