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Tell us how we are doing | Auxiliary Customer Experience Survey
Tell us how are doing, what we can do better, what we are doing great, and how we can expand on your Red Raider experience!

Originator: Alan Cushman            Posted On :   8/29/2022
Departmental * Student Organization 

Healthcare Engineering Club
Interested in learning about healthcare engineering and participating in a mousetrap car race and AMBU bag creation this fall? Students of all majors are encouraged to join the Healthcare Engineering Club on TechConnect to get future announcements.

Originator: Julianne Bullock            Posted On :   8/28/2022
Student Organization 

Introductory Meeting for Tech Chinese Language and Culture Association
Join TCLCA for our first meeting of the semester! We will go over membership, tutoring in Mandarin, and fun events taking place this semester.

Originator: Zarek Driver            Posted On :   8/29/2022
Student Organization 

Chinese Tea House can help you study Chinese!
Come to enjoy Chinese tea, learn Chinese culture and Chinese language for free at 6-7 pm on Aug. 31 in CMLL113.

Originator: Yanlin Wang            Posted On :   8/26/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Academic * Student Organization