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HSC Meet & Greet Tomorrow!
Free food and t-shirts while supplies last! Network with the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Health Professions, Biomedical Sciences, Pharmacy, and Public Health.

Originator: Madison Proctor            Posted On :   8/22/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Academic * Student Organization 

Pick up your SAB Fall 2022 Event Calendar today in the SUB!
The Student Activities Board Fall Calendars showcase our full semester of Free Student Events! Pick up a copy today or view online!

Originator: Autumn Arthur            Posted On :   8/22/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Student Organization 

Complete Your Service Hours & Have Fun!
Sign up now to earn some service hours on September 30 or October 1, 2022 for Tech Savvy. There are a variety of positions and time commitments available for this STEM conference for middle school girls.

Originator: Allison Eubanks            Posted On :   8/22/2022
Student Organization 

Dumplings, Tea, and Games with Tech Chinese Language and Culture Association
Come join TCLCA for free dumplings, tea, and fun activities! We'll be playing mahjong, Chinese chess, calligraphy, and more!

Originator: Zarek Driver            Posted On :   8/22/2022
Student Organization 

Grab a bite, have some fun, and meet the SHPE Familia!
Bienvenido a todos to the new year! Come get a great start to the semester by joining the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers for food and games at our welcome week event!

Originator: Jerry Champion            Posted On :   8/22/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Student Organization