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Intramurals #everyoneplays, it's not too late to get involved!
Looking to try something new, stay active, and have fun? Pre-register for Intramural 4v4 Flag Football and Sand Volleyball TODAY at

Originator: Brittney Hamersky            Posted On :   3/8/2022
Student Organization * Rec Sports Programming 

Calling all Student Organizations
Wanting to learn more information on how to transition your current officer team to your new leadership? The Center for Campus Life will be holding another Leading A Successful Org session.

Originator: Estreylla Sierra            Posted On :   3/8/2022
Student Organization 

Join Lubbock Public Health Initiative!
Lubbock Public Health Initiative is an organization to inform and educate Lubbock youth about local, national, and global public health problems! Please contact for more information.

Originator: John Poquiz            Posted On :   3/7/2022
Student Organization