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Calling all Student Organizations
Are you interested in learning more information about your student organization's finances. RSVP on TechConnect for our Leading A Successful Org: Financial Management on February 24th.

Originator: Estreylla Sierra            Posted On :   2/23/2022
Student Organization 

Get free professional $fundraising$ support for your club/student org!
Does your organization/group need funds for travel, conferences, research projects, equipment, etc.? Team up with TTUS Annual Giving to help raise money for your student organization's financial goals.

Originator: Blake Hardesty            Posted On :   2/23/2022
Faculty/Staff Organization * Student Organization * Student Organization 

We need your Student Organization
Association of Students About Service (ASAS) is in need of 10 student orgs to perform a dance at our 20's theme Memorial Scholarship Dance on April 9th. Maximum of 1- min dance routine. Come show off your Charleston or any other 20's theme song.

Originator: Stephanie Sulewski            Posted On :   2/23/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Student Organization * Student Organization 

Annual Memorial Dance Fundraiser
The first annual memorial scholarship fundraiser hosted by the Association of Students About Service (ASAS) presents: The Roaring 20’s themed dance held at the student union ballroom on April 9, 2022, from 7-10 pm. Tickets for sale on Eventbrite

Originator: Stephanie Sulewski            Posted On :   2/23/2022
Arts & Entertainment * Student Organization * Student Organization