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Want to become a Personal Trainer or F45 Coach?
Learn how effectively lead, design, and execute Personal Training / F45 sessions and develop transferable skills for your career at UREC and beyond!

Originator: Kevin Sibal            Posted On :   5/22/2023
Rec Sports Programming * Student Employment/Career Opportunities 

Become a Peer Mentor for College Readiness: TSI!
Are you looking for a position that gives you classroom and office experience? Apply for a Peer Mentor position with TSI!

Originator: Angela Chisum            Posted On :   5/22/2023
Student Employment/Career Opportunities 

Looking to Tutor? - Apply with the TECHniques Center!
The TECHniques Center is a unique, one on one tutoring program on campus. We're currently looking for tutors for the Fall 2023 semester, so apply today!

Originator: Christian Enevoldsen            Posted On :   5/19/2023
Academic * Student Employment/Career Opportunities