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The TECHniques Center is hosting an open info session for prospective tutors!
Are you interested in becoming a tutor? Do you have a 3.0 and at least 40 credit hours? The TECHniques Center would love to give you more information about their position on March 23rd and March 25th from 2 PM - 4 PM!

Originator: Brighton White            Posted On :   3/4/2022
Student Employment/Career Opportunities 

Non-Profit Job Fair- One Week Away!
Looking for an internship, practicum experience, or even a full-time employment in a non-profit organization? Attend the Non-profit Job Fair on April 6th from 11 AM to 2 PM.

Originator: Brittainy Klemme            Posted On :   3/3/2022
Departmental * Student Employment/Career Opportunities