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Texas Sibling Study
The Texas Sibling Study is seeking parents of adolescent siblings to take part in a study examining how families influence teenage development. Families will receive $100 per visit plus other fun prizes.

Originator: Connad Higgins            Posted On :   3/16/2023

Play Video Games and Earn a $10 Gift Card
The Christine Ladd-Franklin Lab is conducting a study over emotion and cognition in active video game play using fNIR (Functional near-infrared spectroscopy) and eye tracking technology.

Originator: Brianna Sanchez            Posted On :   3/16/2023

Collaborative projects in Arid Lands research.
Arid Land Research: ICASALS is calling interested faculty on developing collaborative projects

Originator: Jorge Salazar-Bravo            Posted On :   3/16/2023
Research * Academic 

Learn about Fulbright Day 2023 for time abroad!
Join us to learn about Fulbright programs benefitting students, faculty, and staff for research, teaching or study abroad.

Originator: WENDOLI L Flores            Posted On :   3/16/2023
Research * Lectures & Seminars * Academic