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Are you a US Veteran? Tell us how you feel about animal-assisted interventions!
The TTU Human-Animal Interaction Lab invites you to complete a survey exploring veteran perceptions of animal-assisted interventions. Click on the link to learn more!

Originator: Emily Webberson            Posted On :   3/10/2023

Undergraduate Research Assistants
The Examining Nutrition, Exercise, and Rest in Growing Youth (ENERGY) lab in the Department of Psychological Sciences has an opening for a motivated undergraduate student looking for research experience!

Originator: Ashly Healy            Posted On :   3/10/2023

Collaborative projects in Arid Lands research
ICASALS is calling interested faculty on developing collaborative projects in Arid Lands research.

Originator: Jorge Salazar-Bravo            Posted On :   3/9/2023

Research Assistance Program
The Office of Research & Innovation Research Assistance Program is now accepting applications until June 30th, 2023!

Originator: Leeann Slaughter            Posted On :   3/9/2023
Research * Departmental