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Texas Sibling Study
The Texas Sibling Study is seeking parents of adolescent siblings to take part in a study examining how families influence teenage development. Families will receive $100 per visit plus other fun prizes.

Originator: Tina Greene            Posted On :   2/6/2023

Paid Research Participants Needed
The Department of Psychological Sciences at Texas Tech University seeks participants for an in-person study about how people judge other people’s action capabilities.

Originator: Keith Jones            Posted On :   2/6/2023

This survey seeks to investigate how the Covid-19 pandemic impacted the general well-being of international students.

Originator: Edwin Sosi            Posted On :   2/6/2023

Research Participants Needed (Earn $10)
We are seeking college students, aged 18-21 and diagnosed with a chronic illness (e.g., diabetes, obesity, cancer, hypertension, asthma, arthritis) to participate in our research study on mood, behavior, and health.

Originator: Caroline Cummings            Posted On :   2/6/2023

Do you want to help socialize shelter dogs?
The Human-Animal Interaction Lab at TTU invites you to participate in a research study exploring the influence of student Veteran and shelter dog interactions on Veteran and dog well-being. Click on the link to learn more!

Originator: Emily Webberson            Posted On :   2/6/2023

Dog owners of Lubbock needed for new study!
TTU’s Human Animal Interaction Lab and Canine Olfaction Lab invites you and your dog to participate in new research projects exploring the use of dog toys. Click on the link to learn more!

Originator: Rituparna Sonowal            Posted On :   2/3/2023

Supplementation Study in Middle-aged and Older Women
Middle-aged and older women with risk factors that include hypertension, elevated blood sugar, increased waist circumference, and abnormal lipids are needed for a research study evaluating blood vessel function, blood glucose, and body composition.

Originator: Mauricio Martinez            Posted On :   2/6/2023

Seeking people who use e-scooters in daily transportation for research!
Sustainability of E-scooters Study is seeking micro-mobility vehicle users to take part in a study examining the e-scooter sustainability perception of users. Please share this with your friends, especially if they use e-scooter in their daily life.

Originator: Eray Aktepe            Posted On :   2/6/2023