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Texas Sibling Study
The Texas Sibling Study is seeking parents of adolescent siblings to take part in a study examining how families influence teenage development. Families will receive $100 per visit plus other fun prizes.

Originator: Connad Higgins            Posted On :   11/15/2022

Undergraduate students in romantic relationships for 3+ months needed to participate in a research study. Participants will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card. Link:

Originator: Katie Himes            Posted On :   11/15/2022

Undergraduate Research Opportunity in TTU Soil Ecology Lab – Spring/Summer 2023
Interested in undergraduate research? The Soil Ecology Lab in the Department of Plant and Soil Science is seeking a motivated student to conduct research that tests the effects of novel nutrient sources on plant growth and microbial communities.

Originator: Lindsey Slaughter            Posted On :   11/15/2022
Research * Student Employment/Career Opportunities 

Employment Qualities During the Hiring Process
Research participants from all areas faculty, staff, and students are needed to participate in a research study through the psych department. Please read more below.

Originator: Jordyn Glick            Posted On :   11/14/2022

Is Your Child Experiencing Bullying? Free Therapy Services for Grades 3-8
The TTU Peer Relations Clinic is currently conducting a research study providing free therapy services to children and adolescents affected by bullying and other peer difficulties.

Originator: John Cooley            Posted On :   11/15/2022