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Donning and Doffing PPE- Do you use it correctly?
Having PPE alone does not protect a person - how someone puts it on and takes it off is the largest determinant of success specific to PPE.

Originator: Giovanny Cordoba            Posted On :   10/7/2022
Research * Lectures & Seminars * Departmental 

Supplementation Study Seeking Prediabetic Women
Prediabetic middle-aged and older women needed for research study evaluating blood vessel function, blood glucose, and body composition.

Originator: Mauricio Martinez            Posted On :   10/7/2022

Morning vs. Afternoon Urinary Marker
The Sports Performance Laboratory is conducting a research study looking at morning vs. afternoon urine as a urinary marker for performance.

Originator: Marcos Keefe            Posted On :   10/6/2022