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Do you want to help socialize shelter dogs?
The Human-Animal Interaction Lab at TTU invites you to participate in a research study exploring the influence of student Veteran and shelter dog interactions on Veteran and dog well-being. Click on the link to learn more!

Originator: Emily Webberson            Posted On :   8/29/2022

Seeking families to spend time with horses for research!
Children with current obesity, ages 9-13, and their primary caregivers may be eligible to participate, and no previous horse experience is required.

Originator: Tristen Hefner            Posted On :   8/29/2022

New Undergraduate Research Presentation Opportunity
Abstracts Due September 19@ 8 am!

Originator: Ryan Bain            Posted On :   8/29/2022
Research * Lectures & Seminars 

Paid Research Participants Needed for Online Study
The Department of Computer Science and Department of Psychological Sciences at Texas Tech University seek participants for an online (no face-to-face contact) study on how people perceive emails.

Originator: Keith Jones            Posted On :   8/29/2022

Complete a Dehydration Research Study and EARN $200
Men (aged 18-35 years old) who resistance train at least 2 days a week are invited to participate in a study examining hydration status on muscle growth at Texas Tech University, Department of Kinesiology and Sport Management.

Originator: Nigel Jiwan            Posted On :   8/29/2022

House Bill 2504 and Faculty Success (Digital Measures) Assistance
September 2nd is the HB2504 deadline. Join this Open Door training for Faculty Success (the new name of Digital Measures). OPA staff will be in an open Zoom call to answer any questions you may have!

Originator: Kenneth Shatley            Posted On :   8/29/2022
Research * Departmental * Research 

FASH STUDY. Chance to earn $70!
Are you a first-year or second-year undergraduate student? We would like to invite you to participate in a research study. Click the link below for eligibility and survey

Originator: Temi Ibiyemi            Posted On :   8/29/2022

Paid Research Participants Needed for fMRI Study
The Selective Attention & Perception Lab in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Texas Tech University seeks participants for an in-person study on how people attend to visual stimuli and make perceptual judgments.  

Originator: Shinyoung Jung            Posted On :   8/29/2022