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TechAnnounce on 8/22/2022 Home Page

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Do you want to help socialize shelter dogs?
The Human-Animal Interaction Lab at TTU invites you to participate in a research study exploring the influence of student Veteran and shelter dog interactions on Veteran and dog well-being. Click on the link to learn more!

Originator: Emily Webberson            Posted On :   8/22/2022

Have High Blood Pressure? Do you like potatoes?
Earn $200!
We are looking for people with high blood pressure aged 18-65 years old to participate in a 6-week research study about the effects of potatoes on blood pressure in people who follow the DASH diet.

Originator: Shannon Galyean            Posted On :   8/22/2022

Want to earn money to learn culinary medicine?
People with high blood pressure needed for a 6-week research project with one month follow up that evaluates the effect of culinary medicine to improve the consumption of vegetables, promote self-efficacy, and healthy quality of life.

Originator: Shannon Galyean            Posted On :   8/22/2022