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Child Activity Study
The ENERGY Lab is looking for youth 8-12 years old without a dog to participate in a research study about children’s physical activity. If you would like the opportunity to earn $40, please email OR call (630) 440-4748.

Originator: Gabriela Lelakowska            Posted On :   4/8/2022

Earn $200 - Looking for people with high blood pressure
We are looking for people with high blood pressure ages 18-65 yrs, to participate in a 6-week research study to see the effect of potatoes on blood pressure using specific cooking methods while following the DASH diet for 6 weeks with our guidance.

Originator: Jamie Roe            Posted On :   4/8/2022

Request for participants for an online study
Participants are needed for a study examining if the frequency of sexual experiences and attachment style can influence mood and changes in behavior.

Originator: Douglas Smith            Posted On :   4/8/2022

Risk Research
The CARR Brown Bag Series is back this Spring! Register now and join us in conversation about issues and directions in the field of addiction and recovery. This is FREE AND OPEN FOR ALL, and happens every Monday 11:30 am-12:30 pm (HS220/Zoom).

Originator: Dmitra Kentera            Posted On :   4/8/2022
Research * Lectures & Seminars * Academic 

Reminder: Proposal Assistance Program (Fall 2022) Internal Funding Opportunity
April 15th, 2022 Deadline Reminder for the Proposal Assistance Program (Fall 2022) offered by the Office of Research & Innovation to help faculty increase their competitiveness for external proposal submissions

Originator: Leeann Slaughter            Posted On :   4/8/2022
Research * Academic * Departmental