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Paid Research Participants Needed for Online Study
The Department of Computer Science and Department of Psychological Sciences at Texas Tech University seek participants for an online (no face-to-face contact) study on how people perceive emails.

Originator: Keith Jones            Posted On :   4/6/2022

Subjects Wanted for Sleep & Exercise Study
Men and women are wanted to participate in research that will study the influence of sleep variability on vascular function during exercise.

Originator: Joaquin Gonzales            Posted On :   4/6/2022

Research Study on Metabolic Effects of a Caffeinated Beverage!
Men and women are needed for a research study evaluating the effects of a novel ready-to-drink beverage on metabolism!

Originator: Christian Rodriguez            Posted On :   4/6/2022
Research * Research 

Research Participants Needed (Earn $10)
We are seeking college students, aged 18-21 and diagnosed with a chronic illness (e.g., diabetes, obesity, cancer, hypertension, asthma, arthritis) to participate in our research study on mood, behavior, and health.

Originator: Caroline Cummings            Posted On :   4/6/2022

Research Participants Needed (receive a $5 Amazon gift card)
Interested in participating in a study about brain and behavior? Enroll now!

Originator: Caroline Cummings            Posted On :   4/6/2022