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Seeking families to spend time with horses for research!
Children with current obesity, ages 9-13, and their primary caregivers may be eligible to participate, and no previous horse experience is required.

Originator: Kaley Roberts Roberts            Posted On :   4/1/2022

Patterns of Attention in Infants: Examining Motherese and Robotese
Infants and toddlers between the ages of 16-18 months are needed to participate in a research study about attention preference! All participants receive a $25 Target gift card and Research in Early Development (RED) Lab child t-shirt!

Originator: Miranda Cox            Posted On :   4/1/2022

Caregiving Through Substance Use Disorders
The CARR Brown Bag Series is back this Spring! Register now and join us in conversation about issues and directions in the field of addiction and recovery. This is FREE AND OPEN FOR ALL, and happens every Monday 11:30 am-12:30 pm (HS220/Zoom).

Originator: Dmitra Kentera            Posted On :   4/1/2022
Research * Lectures & Seminars * Academic