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Positive Youth Development Study: Participants needed!
We are a team of researchers interested in the development of young people. We would like to invite you to participate in a study that examines how youth strengths and resources in their context are related to different indicators of well-being.

Originator: Rula Zaru            Posted On :   3/22/2022

Expose Food Insecurity & Inform Future Nutrition Interventions at TTU!
Attention TTU Raiders! We need current undergraduate and graduate students to complete the TTU Food Insecurity Survey. There will be a drawing opportunity for 20 people to each receive a $20 Amazon gift card for completing the survey!

Originator: Joy Driver            Posted On :   3/22/2022

How does breakfast affect your ability to lift?
We are conducting a study to evaluate the effect of breakfast consumption on afternoon resistance training performance. If you are between the ages of 18 and 40 and regularly lift weights, you may be eligible to participate.

Originator: Matthew Stratton            Posted On :   3/22/2022

Parent-Child Interaction Project is looking for participants!
Families with a 3-5-year-old child are needed to participate in a research study about children’s behaviors and interactions with caregivers in naturalistic settings

Originator: Kellsie Prather            Posted On :   3/21/2022

$20 Amazon drawing for your mentorship opinions

If you have had a mentor while attending Texas Tech we want to hear from you. Share your perceptions of how mentorship has helped you with progress towards your degree. $20 Amazon gift card drawing!

Originator: Aubrey McKenzie Jones            Posted On :   3/21/2022

War or Peace in the Taiwan Strait? 
Despite 30 years of peace, stability, and exchanges, the Taiwan Strait has become a new hot spot in global geopolitics. How have war scenarios reflected the dramatic changes of Taiwan-China Mainland relations?

Originator: Yuan Shu            Posted On :   3/21/2022